Course Class: Leadership

Bystander Intervention Training

Government agencies and corporations have adopted Bystander Intervention training to focus employees on respect for others, acceptable workplace conduct and model the types of behaviors that contribute to a respectful and inclusive workplace.

Bystander Intervention courses were first introduced in colleges and universities to combat sexual harassment, binge drinking, suicide and other harmful behaviors.

Government agencies and corporations have adopted Bystander Intervention training to focus employees on respect for others, acceptable workplace conduct and model the types of behaviors that contribute to a respectful and inclusive workplace.


De-Escalation Training

This training session is designed to deescalate incidents

  1. De-escalation training is not just to provide you with training, and more importantly, to
    help reduce negative incidents into positive opportunities
    This training session is designed to deescalate incidents
    Reduce incidents and behavioral challenges
    Reduce injuries and property costs
    Reduce turnover and morale problems
    Increase positive outcomes
    Increase trust and support in relationships
    Increase compatibility with the latest research in adult learning practices
    Increase accountability measures
    Increase agency-wide risk management initiatives

Building Diverse Teams

This course is for leaders to learn different tools and techniques for building a powerful, diverse team that avoids and navigates conflict for top operational success

Participants will learn:

  • To understand the human dynamics of a team
  • To map out a blueprint and foster a climate that supports and encourages successful team operation
  • How to clarify team roles, goals, and relationships that improve efficiency and work process
  • How to evaluate and improve team effectiveness and performance
  • To recognize the cultural differences within the leader’s team
  • To understand culture and its distinct dimensions
  • To identify approaches to build a more powerful multicultural team
  • How to utilize tools that generate chemistry and cooperation across work groups and organizational boundaries
  • To appreciate different conflict styles
  • How to use tools to resolve conflict
  • To create and utilize a plan to effectively prevent and avoid conflict among team members
  • To practice the skills that a successful team leader / coach possesses

Behavioral Interviewing for Managers and Supervisors

This highly interactive course provides information, techniques, and practices to understand how to hire the best candidate to impact service, productivity, and results.

The Instructor shall conduct two (2) four-hour courses on Behavioral Interviewing.  The course will include lecture, exercises, and practice interviewing.

Woman in Leadership

The Mind of an Innovator: A Woman’s Guide to Seeing Possibilities Beyond the Glass Ceiling

Change the psychological orientation from accepting ‘what is’ to designing what could be’ to give women an edge. Participants adopt a creative thinking  mindset and apply an ‘anything is possible’ attitude to their work situations. Every segment of the day is structured in a ‘demo then do’ format so that each theory or tool is introduced, then practiced for experiential learning.

Two days are formulated into four parts that build upon each other:

Part One: Developing an Innovator’s Mindset
Part Two: Greater Self-Knowledge vis-à-vis ILA Profile
Part Three: Crafting a Vision of the Future
Part Four: Making it Happen

Webinar: Leading through the Coronavirus Crisis

Explore the human challenges being experienced during the COVID-19 crisis and understand how to support yourself and others as a leader.

This 90-minute webinar is designed to support leaders of people, both as individuals and leaders of others, in being centered and effective during this chaotic and uncertain time. In this interactive, virtual session, leaders learn how to process their emotions, experiences, and reactions generated by this global pandemic. We examine how to work effectively with others and assist them in processing their emotions and reactions.

Many tools and tips are offered to the leader and their staff to increase calm and centeredness in the face of chaos and uncertainty. Practice of tools, dialogue and a Q&A session promote adaptation of learnings. A robust handout is provided as an on-going reference post-session.


The Virtual Manager in the Current Global Environment

This one-day workshop will cover the challenges, potential pitfalls, best practice recommendations, and lessons learned in leading virtual teams.

With the ever-increasing outsourcing, off-shoring, specialization efforts along with recent pandemic mitigation initiatives, virtual teams are becoming the “new normal” of project and workplace teams. Virtual teams can be advantageous to any organization when coupled with proper communication and adequate control. The virtual team environment, however, can carry inherent disadvantages that must be successfully managed throughout any initiative.

Participants will be introduced to the purported advantages and common constraints of the virtual team environment. This will be followed by discussion and application of better (and useful) practices to capitalize on the advantages while limiting the impact of communication, negotiation, and control constraints in the virtual team setting.