Working with Multi-Generations

Today’s diverse workplace can include several different generations. They all hold varying beliefs and values regarding work ethic, communication, loyalty, … Continue reading "Working with Multi-Generations"


Today’s diverse workplace can include several different generations. They all hold varying beliefs and values regarding work ethic, communication, loyalty, leadership and more. It is a challenge to work together towards common goals without encountering friction.

What may seem as one of today’s biggest challenge is actually a tremendous opportunity that, if managed thoughtfully and with intention can improve your company’s competitive edge and create a more dynamic and meaningful work environment.


This class is recommended for team members and leadership.


8 hours


  • To recognize that valuing different generational groups promotes increased productivity and cooperation
  • To become more aware of the effect that life experiences and major events have on the shaping of generational values and outlook
  • A better understanding of generational differences and their impact on how the workplace functions
  •  To learn how to best harness the talents of the newer generational groups and assimilate them into effective teamwork and collaboration