Developing Higher Performance Teams

Learn ways to enhance team confidence and promote team objectives.


Virtually everyone is being asked to work in teams these days many times across different functional lines. Teamwork is not an automatic process; it requires practice just as with any other skill.

This workshop examines the key elements necessary for managers to increase their efficiency and effectiveness while strengthening their contribution to overall organizational results. Participants will learn how to establish performance challenges for teams and how to create vision, mission and performance goals.


This workshop is intended for managers that are committed to using teams to improve organizational performance. Participants should have a working knowledge of the fundamentals of team behavior and related processes. Contemporary techniques, assessment tools, team leadership approaches and methods used in the development of high-performing teams with a focus on organizational strategies will be class.


8 hours


Participants will first engage in a practical team exercise. Several teams will be formed and instructed to complete a task that is relative to their own work environment. Upon completion, each team will give a presentation that articulates their overall experience and the outcome of their assigned task. This experience will establish a learning foundation for the remainder of the workshop with a focus on becoming familiar with the selection, development and functions of an actual team

Practical Team Exercise

  • Selection of teams
  • Instructions/expectations

Understanding the Environment

  • Cultural issues
  • Creating an environment that rewards teamwork

Building a High-Performance Team

  • Stages of team development
  • Characteristics and group dynamics

Movie (DVD)

  • “The Dilemmas of Team – Based Organizations”

Practical Team Exercise Review

  • Contrast from the morning exercise
  • What went well?