In this program, the emphasis is on personal interactions with others and raising awareness of how others perceive our behavior and attitudes. This program begins with a discussion of what professional conduct is and concludes by examining the possible seriousness of some deliberate, or unintentional, but careless, actions in the workplace.
Participants will learn the tools necessary to gain clarity in their interpersonal communication. Participants are lead through discussions concerning friendships in the workplace, the boundary of respect and offending unintentionally. This course is highly interactive and involves a variety of training methodologies including lectures, case studies, structured exercises, and role playing.
There are no prerequisites for this class.
1 day
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Identify. Stop. Prevent.
What is sexual harassment?
- Sexual harassment defined
- EEOC Guidelines
- Organization definition
Categories of harassment
- Quid pro quo
- Hostile work environment
The key word is “unwelcome”
- The harassment Continuum
- Recent court cases
The “What if They Were Here” principle
Effects of sexual harassment
- Employees
- Coworkers
- The organization
- The non-employee
Your role in preventing harassment
- Policy overview
- Is this harassment? Scenarios
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Supervisor Edition):
- Same content as original outline, plus:
- Handling the complaint
- Four critical steps
- The high cost of sexual harassment
- Recent Court decisions
- Your role as a supervisor in preventing harassment