This course covers the fundamentals of the Perl programming language. Students are introduced to the basic language syntax with complex examples that will be understood by the end of the class. Scalars and their different types are introduced with associated operators and built-in functions. Lists and arrays are then covered with list manipulating functions and rules, followed by user-defined sub-routines.
The next component covered will be associative arrays (hashes) and hash functions. An extensive coverage of regular expressions follows. The course finishes with a study of additional control structures, file I/O, and file and directory manipulating functions.
Process Management, strings and sorting, database creation and access via the DBM hashes, and some advanced techniques for error-handling, using regular expression, and additional built-in functions.routines are also covered.
The course is best suited to a UNIX / Linux environment, but may also be run in a Windows environment with ActiveState Perl.
Students will be given ample time to work with these topics in a lab environment.
People who need to program with Perl
24 hours
• Perl Introduction
• Scalar Data
• Lists and Arrays
• Subroutines
• Hashes
• I/O Basics
• Regular Expressions
• Control Structures
• File Handles and File Tests
• File and Directory Operations
• Process Management
• Strings and Sorting
• Simple Databases
• Advanced Techniques