Building Trust

Trust is one of the most elements in human and organizational relationships


Trust is one of the most elements in human and organizational relationships. Without it, stress increases significantly. Collaboration and productivity drop, people waste time protecting themselves from real and received threats, creativity suffers and employee engagement drops. Environments become toxic, taking a toll on everyone

Fortunately, trust can be established and be rebuilt if it was broken. There are proven and effective ways to build trust in the workplace. It requires a knowledge of ways to build rapport and communicate with others in a way that encompasses authenticity, both verbally and non-verbally. The program is interactive and experiential and guaranteed to be a safe environment for sharing as much or as little as you want. You will be able to immediately transfer your learning to your life as soon as we finish.


All inclusive to those wanting to learn how to develop meaningful and productive relationships.


1 day


Program Topics:
• The factors that are eroding trust today
• Techniques to hone the social radar in reading people
• The neuroscience behind trust
• Body language that enhances and detreats from the perception of trustworthiness
• Language triggers that stoke mistrust
• FBI hostage negotiation techniques that establish trust