Webinar: Resilience During a Pandemic

Learn skills that will nurture optimism and help build emotional flexibility and resilience.


These are turbulent times. COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. The shelter-inplace mandate has had a dramatic on our social lives. Every day amid the news of the numbers of illnesses and deaths, we hear of rising bankruptcies, political instability and uncertainty about what the future holds. Not surprisingly, anxiety and depression rates are at an all time high. Despite feelings of helplessness at times, there are things you can do to take back control.

Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. No matter how stressful things are, you can be realistic about the present without sacrificing your emotional fortitude. With some intentional effort, you can set yourself up to shine and become resilient to build a life of greater meaning.


There are no prerequistes for this class.


60 minutes


In this session you will learn:

• Why fear overpowers our rational mind
• The role of adversity in building resilience
• The case for short-term stress
• Take lessons from your immune system
• Ways to deal with rising levels of intolerance
• How to set yourself up for more happiness
• Tips on how to reframe perspective and fuel optimism