Collaborative Teamwork for Success

This is a course designed to help leaders better understand how to facilitate collaboration between teammates.


In this highly interactive, hands-on workshop participants will explore what collaboration means to the culture, relationships, and communications, to create an effective team to improve morale and productivity.  Collaborative facilitation process to integrate two different groups into a dynamic team with shared goals and values.


This course is designed for leaders within the organization with different experiences to come together and create a synergistic unit.


1 day


The keys areas discussed will include:

  • Creating Synergy and Superior Team Performance (STP)
  • Culture check
  • Review of Vision/Mission
  • Importance of Values: personal and team
  • Leadership Qualities needed to achieve the Vision
  • Self-awareness and Effective Communication Skills Required
  • Conflict Management
  • Leveraging Strengths: creating balanced teams for maximum results
  • Next Steps and goals for immediate future


  • To understand the human dynamics of a team
  • To foster a climate that supports and encourages team success
  • To practice the skills that a successful team leader/coach possesses
  • How to generate cooperation across organizational boundaries
  • How to clarify team roles, goals, and relationships that improve efficiency and work process
  • Team Building tools that increase work group chemistry and collaboration
  • How to evaluate and improve team effectiveness and performance
  • To foster a climate that supports team success
  • How to effectively resolve conflict among team members
  • Recognize the cultural differences within the leader’s team
  • Appreciate different conflict styles
  • Learn tools to prevent and avoid conflict
  • Identify approaches to build a more powerful multicultural team
  • Create a plan to prevent conflict and improve their team’s performance