Traditional measurements of intelligence have focused on IQ, or cognitive intelligence, which is the ability to recall information, apply knowledge, learn new things and think rationally and abstractly. As a predictor of success in life, however, it is not as accurate as emotional intelligence, nor does it explain why some people who are cognitively intelligent flounder in life.
Emotional intelligence (“EI”) is the emotional, personal and social aspects of functioning. It measures one’s understanding of oneself and others, relating to people and adapting to and coping with our immediate surroundings. These factors enhance our ability to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Emotional, personal and social intelligence helps to predict success because it reflects how a person applies knowledge of a more personal and interpersonal nature to the immediate situation. It is a measure of a person’s “common sense” or ability to get along in the world, and is directly related to the bottom line results in companies. In one study, salespeople with high EI, for example, sold 54% more than their counterparts with lower EI.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
8 hours