Introduction to JSP, Servlets, & Struts

The successful student will master the following skills: • Ability to explain the differences between Servlets, JSP and ASP. • Ability to code and execute Servlets • Ability to code and execute JSP applications


This course provides Java programmers with the skills needed to produce dynamic web applications using JSP and Servlets.  JSP and Servlets are part of the Java2 J2EE specification and provide a very capable alternative to Microsoft’s ASP.Net.  Additionally, the JSP will be presented using the MVC architecture provided by Struts. Using a developer’s prospective, and interesting hands-on labs, this course prepares Java programmers for JSP in just 3 days.


Student should be familiar with Java and HTML.


24 hours



    • About the Course
    • The Materials
    • Overview

Basic HTML

    • Web Servers
    • Files
    • Basic tags

Basics of Web-Based Applications

    • Websites and Static Pages
    • Dynamic Content

Getting Started With Servlets

    • Basics
      1. What is a Servlet?
      2. Web Servers & Servlets
      3. Hello World
      4. The Servlet API
      5. Servlet Lifecycle
    • Programming Servlets
      1. Introduction
      2. The Page Object
      3. Request Object
      4. Response Object
      5. Processing Forms
      6. Sessions
      7. Applications
    • Advanced Issues
      1. Design Principles
      2. Model-View
      3. Database Access

Getting Started With JSP

    • Architecture
      1. What is JSP?
      2. JSP Compared to Servlets
      3. JSP Compared to ASP
      4. Web Applications
      5. Servlets
      6. Tomcat
      7. JSP Lifecycle
    • Setup
      1. Installing Java JDK
      2. Installing Tomcat
      3. Editors and Development Environments
      4. Directory Structure
    • Hello, World
      1. HelloWorld.jsp
      2. JSP Files
      3. Compilation
      4. Servlets
    • JSP Syntax
      1. Page Directives
      3. Include Directive
      4. Declarations
      5. Expressions
      6. Scriptlets
    • JSP Objects
      1. Overview
      2. Request
      3. Response
      4. Session
      5. Application
    • JSP API
      1. Overview
    • Error Handling
      1. New Topic
    • Using Beans in JSP
      1. New Topic
    • Custom Tags
      1. New Topic
    • Advanced Considerations
      1. Application Architecture
      2. Design Guidlines
      3. Performance & Testing

Using JSP Tags

    • Overview
      1. What are JSP Tags
      2. Tags vs Scriplets
    • Core Tags
    • XML Tags
    • SQL Tags


    • Overview
    • MVC architecture
    • Building Model components
    • Building View Components

Building Controller Components
