The course begins discussion of relational concepts and terminology and quickly moves into a practical discussion of data retrieval and manipulation using SQL.
Individuals who are required to use SQL in their daily tasks.
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the concepts of databases and SQL.
- Write SQL queries that:
- Use the SELECT and FROM statements.
- Use the WHERE clause to select specific rows.
- Use the LIKE keyword, wildcards, logical operators, and NULL testing.
- Transform data using scalar functions, aggregate functions, and mathematical operators.
- Group data via the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.
- Sort the results.
- Use multiple tables via join operations.
- Use Oracle SQL Developer to execute SQL statements and review the results.
2 days
Relational Database Concepts
- Database Management Systems
- Relational Model of Data
Common Relational Terminology
- Creating Tables
- Column Definitions in a Table
- Column Data Types
Lab Database Schema Review
Basic Data Retrieval
- SQL Syntax
- SELECT Statement
- Computed Columns
- WHERE Clause
Using SQL Developer
- Starting SQL Developer
- Customizing SQL Developer Preferences
- Issuing SQL via SQL Developer
- WHERE Clause Predicates
- IN
Using Boolean Operators
- Processing Null Values
- SQL CASE Clause
- Sorting Result Sets
- Built-in Functions
- The Difference Between Scalar and Aggregate Functions
- Removing Null Values From a Result Set
- CAST Function
- Using Basic Numeric and String Functions
Date Processing
- Date Datatypes
- Using Date Functions
- Time Datatypes
- Using Tine and Timestamp Functions
Aggregating Data
- Using Aggregate Functions
- GROUP BY Clause
- HAVING Clause
Joining Tables
- Introduction to the Join Operation
- Join Syntax
- Qualifying Ambiguous Column Names
- Join Operations Involving More Than Two Tables
- Compare and Contrast Inner vs. Outer Joins
- Outer Join Syntax
- ON Clause Extensions and Their Impact on Outer Joins
- Self-Joins