Webinar: Why Are We Doing this Project? Building an Effective Business Case

Project management practitioners will gain a clearer understanding of what a business case is, what it should contain, and how it should be structured.


Projects, in their simplest form, are the tactical initiatives that an organization takes on to help it reach it strategic goals. No more; no less.  To put it as a question, why would an organization take on a project if it does not lead to or put it in a position to meet its longer term goals?

The business case is what provides justification for moving forward with any endeavor within an organization. Without it, a project will not (and should not) be initiated!

The end goal of this session is to provide the project or team leader with better insight into structuring a business that helps increase the organization’s ability to deliver on relevant and realistic project commitments.



Session Number:  PLS-WNL022018

Duration:  1.5 Hours,

Professional Development Units (PDUs)/Project Management Education Contact Hours:  1.5


90 minutes


The primary objectives for this session are to:

  • Gain a clearer understanding of a project business case
  • Identify the primary elements of an effective business case
  • Better structure a project business case for approval