Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: * Explain the advanced technologies and concepts in web applications and use them for development of web applications.


This advanced course is intended for experienced J2EE web developers that are interested in learning advanced topics related to J2EE web applications.
The course is modular and is essentially a collection of technologies and topics that are used to create more advanced and powerful web applications utilizing advanced features provided by J2EE that take web applications to the next step.
All topics are explained through real code examples and exercises. Participants learn about related technologies and about efficient ways to use the technologies covered.


Experienced Web Application Developers (Servlets & JSP)

Before attending this course, participants must have the following:

* A strong background in Java programming

* A background in developing Java Servlets and JSPs

* Knowledge of J2EE web application standards (development, packaging and deployment)


24 hours


The following topics are covered:
* Web Applications Security Model
* Java Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL)
* Web Tier Design Patterns and Struts Introduction
* Tag Extensions
* Internationalization with Web Applications
* Web Applications Performance